Mag. Art., Doctor of Arts, Artist
2017 | Doctor of Arts, University of Lapland (FI), Faculty of Art and Design, Department for Media Studies. Dissertation defended 8.6.2017 |
1993 | Diploma with distinction. Masterclass for Tapestry. Additional study directions: Textiles Gestalten (Teacher Training), Masterschool for Nature Studies, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (AT) |
1986 | Graduation at HBLVA for Textile Industry, Spengergasse, Vienna (AT) |
SOLO- (Duo) EXHIBITIONS (selection)
2025 | Die Schärfe des Augenblicks. With E. Huber Irikawa. Kunstwerkstatt Tulln (AT) |
2024 | The Key in your Eyes. With E.Huber Irikawa. Sehsaal. Vienna (AT) |
2022 | Fadenspiele sind wie Geschichten. Neue Galerie Theisenhoferhof, Weissenkirchen (AT) |
2021 | Künstlerische Intervention. With P. Chan. Galerie Petra Seiser, Schörfling am Attersee (AT) |
2020 | Zeit Frequenz Zeit-Wandlung zur Kunst. With P. Chan. Galerie Petra Seiser, Schörfling am Attersee (AT) |
2020 | Weissensee Klassikfestival. With P. Chan. Galerie Petra Seiser. (AT) |
2020 | Prozesse der Umwandlung. Galerie Michael Bella. Curator M. C. Holter. Wien (AT) |
2019 | ETWAS ANDERES. With P. Chan. Galerie Petra Seiser. Himmelpfortgasse 12, Wien (AT) |
2019 | Zeit und Transformation.Fine Art Galerie Traismauer (AT) |
2018 | Das Bild bewegt- Das bewegte Bild. (Interaction with Andrea Behn). Basement, Vienna (AT) |
2018 | TEXTIL :: ART :: CODE. Schüttkasten Primmersdorf (AT) |
2018 | Ausstellungsbrücke at the Government of Lower Austria, NÖ, St.Pölten (AT) |
2015 | Picturing Time-In the Blink of an Eye. Kunsthaus Durchhaus, Vienna (AT) |
2013 | TRANSACTION 3- From Flatland to Spaceland-Picturing Time. Galleria Valo, Arktikum Museum and Arctic Science Centre, Rovaniemi (FI) |
2013 | LIQUID THOUGHTS. Interactive Video Installations on UBI hotspots. StreetArt Gallery Oulu (FI). Curator Matias Kukka |
2013 | In the Blink of an Eye. Galeria Voima, Kemi (FI). Kurator: Kari Lunnas |
2012 | AURA/AURORA. With N. Czegledy, L. Kiss. Machfeld project space for conceptual media art. Vienna (AT) |
2011 | Reflections- the Game of the Shadows. With E. Timonen. Rovaniemi Design Week. Pilke Science and Art-center. Curator: Pävi Tahkokallio. Rovaniemi (FI) |
2011 | The Shadows of the Caves. Mit E.Timonen, V.Tuiskul. University of Lapland, Rovaniemi (FI) |
2011 | Liquid Light. Schüttkasten Primmersdorf. Schloss Primmersdort (AT) |
2010 | Aura /Aurora. With N. Czegledy, L. Kiss. 2B Gallery Budapest (HU). Plain Art Festival |
2009 | R & R. Galeria Voima. Kemi (FI) |
2007 | DangerousBeauty. SIM-House Gallery (Center of Icelandic Art), Reykjavik (IS) |
2006 | TRANSACTION 2. KATVE Galleria, University of Lapland. Rovaniemi (FI) |
2006 | TRANSACTION 1. Lume Mediakeskus, Helsinki (FI) |
2006 | Satellites,Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith. With A. Viscio. Lume Mediakeskus, Helsinki (FI) |
2006 | Satellites,Outposts and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith. With A. Viscio. MAK, Museum of Applied Arts, Vienna (AT). Curator: Andreas Kristof |
2005 | The Big Red Addictlab Gallery, Brussels (BE). Curator: Jan Van Mol |
2005 | Psychic Reverbs. Galerie Franzke, Vienna (AT) |
2005 | Galerie Maringer. St. Pölten (AT) |
2005 | Constructed Realism in Photography. Photo Co-op. New York. Curator: Samantha Dulak |
2003 | Between. With T. Barth. Addictlab Gallery, Brussels (BE). Curator: Jan Van Mol |
2003 | Between. With T. Barth. De Winkelhaak Design Museum, Antwerp. Curator: Jan Van Mol |
2003 | Possen: postposito. With M. Seibald, L. Rundgren. Kemi Art Museum. Kemi (FI). Curator: Sarianne Soikkonen |
2025 | FUTURE NOW? Looking into the future through the eyes of art and creativity. Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava (SK) Curator: Art Collection Schlichtner. Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava (SK) |
2024 | Wintersalon. “Die Schöpfung” in Fäden, Porzellan Und Farbe. Galerie am Lieglweg. Neulengbach (AT) |
2024 | De´/Coding` Textile. Künstlerhaus Factory. Vienna (AT). Curator: Maria C. Holter |
2023 | Aktuelle Positionen Skulptur Wien 2023. Curator: Art Collection Schlichtner. Wien (AT) |
2023 | HUMAN_NATURE. Projekt: Facing North. Mitgliederausstellung Künstlerhaus Wien (AT). Curator: Maria C. Holter, Julia Hartmann |
2022 | Rendezvous mit der Sammlung. Kunst von 1960 bis Heute. Landesgalerie Niederösterreich, Krems (AT). Curator: Alexandra Schantl |
2022 | OUTNOW ST&UKTUR Vie/Liesing, (AT) |
2022 | A Light Foodprint in the Cosmos. Or Gallery Vancouver (CAN) |
2021 | COLLECTION 21. Galerie Michael Bella. Wien (AT) |
2021 | Galerie Frank. Wien. Präsentiert von Galerie Petra Seiser und Andrea Müller (AT) |
2021 | SPURENSUCHE & HOCHsommer Art Festival. ZOLLAMT Bad Radkersburg (AT) |
2021 | Art Austria Kunstmesse, Galerie Petra Seiser. Wien (AT) |
2020 | PARALLEL VIENNA 2020. Galerie Petra Seiser. Wien (AT) |
2020 | 10 Jahre Fine Art Galerie. Traismauer (AT) |
2020 | Frühlingserwachen. Eröffnungsausstellung Galerie Petra Seiser. Schörfling am Attersee (AT) |
2019 | Mizrahi Fine Arts. Gallery Walk. Vienna 2019 (AT) |
2016 | Metamorphoses: Encounters. Gallery Seinä, Rovaniemi (FI) |
2016 | Working Together. Simbiosis. Pachuca (MX) |
2016 | PARALLEL VIENNA 2016. Artfair, Vienna (AT) |
2016 | Voidbook Soirrée (Ludic Society), Kunsthaus Durchhaus, Wien (AT) |
2015 | 10 Years Schüttkasten Primmersdorf. Schloss Primmersdort (AT). Curator: John Roberts |
2015 | Kriegumfrieden, empeacing war. Reichenau an der Rax. AnderArt. Hirschwangerhof. Curator: Thomas Fritsch |
2014 | Fastenausstellung. Sommerrefektorium, Dom St.Pölten (AT). Curator: Renate Minarz |
2013 | aura/AURORA extended. With N. Czegledy. Schupfengalerie Herzogenburg (AT). NÖ- Festival, days of open Galleries and Studios |
2013 | reduction. Vienna Fabrics & Designs, Vienna (AT). Curator: Therese Backhausen |
2012 | WOMAN POWER III. Galerie Kunst und Handel, Graz (AT) |
2011 | Aura/Aurora. With N. Czegledy, L. Kiss. artMuse Media Art Festival, Textilmuseum Bocholt (DE) |
2009 | Dangerous Beauty II. Site-specific Installation. Shunt Longe London (UK). Curator: Beatabet |
2009 | 2ndThessaloniki Biennale. State Museum of Contemporary Art (GR) |
2008 | Bildobjekt.Centro Aldo Moro a Cordenons (IT) |
2007 | Sequences Real-Time Art Festival. Lost Horse Gallery. Reykjavik (IS) |
2006 | Spectrum Farbe – Kunst der Moderne. Lower Austria Museum, St.Pölten (AT). Curator: Alexandra Schantl |
2004 | Short Cuts. Schloss Thurnmühle, Schwecht (AT) |
2003 | Galerie Freihausgasse. Curator: Dr. Renate Obhud |
2002 | Textileworks at the Austrian Pavillion at the 8. International Architecture Biennale Venedig (IT). Pavillion concept: Heidulf Gerngross |
TRANSACTION as INTERACTION: Art as an Extended Sense of Space.2017. Printed: Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 348. ISBN 978-952-484-990-6. ISSN 0788-7604
Pdf: Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis 215. ISBN 978-952-484-991-3. ISSN 1796-6310
Deconstructing and Mediating the Extension of Space toward Hybrid Realities. European Scientific Journal, February 2015/SPECIAL/edition Vol.1 ISSN: 1857 (Print) e-1857-7431
New Materialism: The Transformation of Intelligent Textiles toward an Interactive User- Generated Interface. European Scientific Journal, September 2014/SPECIAL/edition Vol.3 ISSN:1857 (Print) e-1857-7431
Interactive Technotextiles: The Hybrid between Textiles and Technology. Taide. Talous. Tila. / Iisakki Härmä (toim.). Rovaniemi: Lapin yliopisto, 2012. Lapin yliopiston taiteiden tiedekunnan julkaisuja. C, Katsauksia ja puheenvuoroja, 1236-9616; 37. ISBN:978-952-484-538-0
From Data to Visual Space: The Impact of Data Visualization on Deconstructing and Mediating the Extension of Space. Data is Beautiful Conference, Data from the view of Society, Science, Art, Design and Technology. 2012, ISBN 978-963-08-5452-8. Published by: Kitchen Budapest, HU
Aureole. Bettina Schülke, Nina Czegledy, CA/HU, Veroniki Koriakidou, GR, Dave Lawrence, UK. Leonardo Journal Volume 43, Issue 5, 2010
TRANSACTION as Interaction. Bettina Schülke Nina Czegledy, CA/HU. ISEA2009 Conference, Belfast, IR. Conference proceedings
Aureole: communicating and evoking a poetic and scientific phenomena. Schülke Bettina, Czegledy Nina, Dave Lawrence, Veroniki Korakidou.ISEA Katalog. 2009
Cinesthesis:Cross-modal and cross-cultural perceptions of the Aurora Borealis for the design of an interactive installation. Korakidou Veroniki, Schuelke Bettina, Czegledy Nina. DigiArt08, Special edition of the International Journal of Arts and Technology,Inderscience. 2008
Designing an interactive installation regarding the Aurora Borealis.Schülke Bettina, Korakidou Veroniki., Addictlab Inspiration book, Research 29 intangible.scapes. Addictlab in partnership with IMEC, Brussels. 2008
2025 | Artist Talk. FUTURE NOW? Looking into the future through the eyes of art and creativity. Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava (SK) |
2025 | Artist Talk on Artistic Research. Galerie am Lieglweg. Neulengbach (AT) |
2024 | Vienna Textile Talks. Talk at the Symposium in the framework of the exhibition De´/Coding Textiles. Künstlerhaus Wien, Factory. Vienna (AT) |
2021 | Moderation Panel Discussion: Cultural Events between Analog and Digital…live and virtual. Bettina Schülke, Patrick Chan, VALIE EXPORT, Margarete Jahrmann, Nina Czegledy. Galerie Petra Seiser. Schörfling am Attersee (AT) |
2019 | Round Table Discussion, eu/te/ma technology management. On Citizen Science and Art & Science. Vienna (AT) |
2019 | Artist Talk. Fine Art Galerie. Traismauer (AT) |
2018 | Artist Talk. Schüttkasten Primmersdorf (AT) |
2017 | TRANSACTION as INTERACTION: Art as an Extended Sense of Space.Lecture. Künstlerhaus Wien. Vienna (AT) |
2015 | Aura/Aurora Intervention & Round Table discussion on Art & Science Collaboration. Concept, Organization, Participation. Kunsthaus Durchhaus, Vienna (AT) |
2013 | Conference presentation. New Materialisms IV- Movement, Aesthetics, Ontology. Turku (FI) |
2012 | Conference presentation. Data is Beautiful. Budapest (HU) |
2012 | artMUSE- Alliance of Media Art Festival. Aura/Aurora (Textiles and Technology). Workshop, symposium, presentation. Bocholt (DE). |
2011 | Conference presentation. ISEA2011 (International Symposium of Electronic Arts) Istanbul (TR) |
2010 | Educational Workshop, Workshop leader. ISEA2010 Ruhr (DE). |
2009 | Workshop & round table discussion. Kitchen Budapest Medialab (KIBU). Device Art Conference. Budapest (HU) |
2009 | Conference Presentation. ISEA2009 Belfast (IR) |
2009 | Conference Presentation. NeMe-IMCA Conference – Collaborative art/science practice: Processes, Structures and Methodologies. Thessaloniki (GR). |
2007-9Representative of the University of Lapland and participating artist of the EU Project e-MobileArt (European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists). Focus: An experiment in collaboration at the intersection of art, science and technology.
2006 | Invitation: Hearing for Professorship position. Textiles Gestalten, University Mozarteum, Salzburg (AT) |
1989-91 | Three times Masterclass prize, for Nature Studies and Textiles Gestalten, Academy of fine Arts Vienna (AT) |
1989 | Fügerpreis in Gold, Academy of fine Arts Vienna (AT) |
2017 | University of Lapland (FI), Publication Grant for the Doctoral dissertation |
2015 | University of Lapland (FI), Rectors Grant |
2013 | University of Lapland (FI), Project Grant for TRANSACTION 3 |
2009 | Austrian Federal Ministry of Education Arts and Culture (AT), International Project Grant e-MobileArt Production |
2007 | ERASMUS Scholarship Finland-Austria |
2006 | University of Lapland (FI), Project Grant for TRANSACTION 2 |
2006 | University of Lapland (FI), Project Grant for TRANSACTION 1 |
2006 | Austrian Federal Ministry of Education Arts and Culture (AT), International Project Grant for the production of Satellites, Outpost and a Ridiculous Leap of Faith |
2013 | Talo-Residency for Creative People, Rovaniemi (FI) |
2011 | Austrian Embassy, Budapest (HU) |
2007 | Center of Icelandic Art (SIM-House), Reykjavik (IS) |
2003 | addictlab (global creative think thank), Brussels (BE) |
2003 | Designcenter De Winkelhaak Museum, Antwerp (BE) |
2015-17 | Artistic Co-Director, Kunsthaus Durchhaus (Les Tardes Goldscheyder), Vienna (AT) |
2010 | Research project, SmartTextiles Applications for Fa. Backhausen in collaboration with the Austrian Textile Research Institute (AT) |
2005 | Textile Designs for Linnen & Essentials, New York (USA) |
1995 | Long-standing and periodic collaboration with Vesna Design (textile design and textile hand printing) |
1994 – | Freelancing Artist |
2024 | Vienna Summer School. International Workshop. Visual Arts Training. Mawhibaty Program (UAE) |
2024- | Display and Projektmangement. kunstschule wien (AT) |
2016- 2024 | Portfolio.Display and Projektmangement. Diplomaseminar. kunstschule wien (AT) |
2013 | On artistic research. Lecture, University of Lapland (FI) |
2013 | Lecture, artistic research, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Culture (FI) |
2012 | Space-Time-Light course, Länsi-Lappin ammatti-instituutti. Tornio (FI) |
2011 | Space-Time-Installation course, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences (FI) |
2011 | Space-Time-Light course, Länsi-Lappin ammatti-instituutti. Tornio (FI) |
2010-11 | Interactive Textile Installations course (technology and interactivity). Exhibition Planning Course. Master Program Tilan ilme. University of Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design (FI) |
2010 | Art production course. International Master Program in Cultural Entrepreneurship. Kaajani University of Applied Sciences (FI) |
2009 | Space-Time-Light course, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Siences, Culture (FI) |
2007 | Aurora Borealis workshop. Nordplus funded intensive course. University of Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design (FI) |
2007 | Stillstand picture and movement, workshop, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Siences, Culture (FI) |
2003 | Space-Time-Light Installation course, Public Space. Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Siences, Culture (FI) |
2003 | The Use of Light and Sound in Space- Course. Sodanky Midnight Sun Film Festival. Organized by the Lapland, Faculty of Art and Design (FI) |
2002 | Space-Time-Light course, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Culture (FI) |
2001 | Space-Time-Light course, Kemi-Tornio University of Applied Sciences, Culture (FI) |
1994 | Textile printing und painting, Academy of fine Arts Wien (AT), Institute for Textiles Gestalten |
2018/19 | Organization of the Diploma exhibition, kunstschule wien (AT) |
2015-17 | Exhibitions and events, Kunsthaus Durchhaus, Wien (AT) |
2011 | Student projects exhibition at Arctic Design Week, University of Lapland. Rovaniemi (FI) |
2009 | Workshop, eMoble-Art (European Mobile Lab for Interactive Artists) an der University Lapland, Rovaniemi (FI). Co-organisation mit M. Ninimäki |
2004 | Student projects exhibition. Aine Art Museum Kemi (FI) |
2001-3 | Student projects exhibition. Light-installations in the Public space. Kemi (FI) |
Gemäldegalerie, Academy of Fine Arts Vienna (AT)
Marian Korff-Stiftung, Illmünster (DE)
Artothek Krems, Land NÖ (AT)
Land Niederösterreich, St.Pölten (AT)
Land Kärnten, Villach (AT)
Österreichische Nationalbank, Wien (AT)
AKH, Allgemeines Krankenhaus Wien (AT)
Freunde der bildenden Künste, Vienna (AT)
Johnson & Johnson, Wien (AT)
Tigercoastings, Linz, AT
Kemi/Tornio University of Applied Art and Science (FI)
Private Collections
Parnass Artmagazin. March 2019
Niederösterreichische Nachrichten, Zeitungsartikel, December 2017 (AT)
Ecetera-Literatur und so weiter. 68 / May2017. Artistinterview (AT)
Außen-Innen, Catalog, Groupexhibtion, 2014 (AT)
Lapin Kansa, Newspaper article, October 2013 (FI)
Pohjalan Sanomat, Newspaper article, February 2013, Oktober 2013 (FI)
Finland Times, Newspaper article, February 2013 (FI)
Pohjalan Sanomat, Newspaper article, June 2011 (FI)
Lounais-Lappi, Newspaper article, May 2011 (FI)
e-mobiLArt Catalog, 2009 (GR)
The NewYork Optimist, Article, Online-publication. December 2008
Addictlab Inspiration book. Addictlab in Cooperation with IMEC, 2008 (BE)
Pohjalan Sanomat, Newspaper article, June 2007 (FI)
Lounais-Lappi, Newspaper article, June 2007 (FI)
Lapin Kansa, Newspaper article, June, 2006 (FI)
Wir Herzogenburger, 2006 (AT)
Kide Magazine, July 2006 (FI)
Artmagazine Vernissage, September 2005 (AT)
Addictlab Inspiration-Book, Issue LUMEN, 2003 (BE)
Lapin Kansa, Zeitungsartikel, May 2001 (FI)
Visual Images and projections for Stage Design. Musical Mea Kulpa. KlangKasten Böheimkirchen (AT). 2017
Wallobject. Volksbank Baden (AT). 2008
Transitoriness. Large size Textile-object Augustiner-Chorherrenstift Herzogenburg (AT). 2002
Large size Wallpainting (20 x 5 m), Rachat Palace Hotel, Almaty, Kasachstan (KZ). Cooperation with John Roberts. 1995
Liturgical customs for the Augustiner-Chorherrenstift Herzogenburg (AT). 1997
German (Mother language), English (excellent in word and text)
The Institute for Unnecessary Research. Head of the Department of Textile Abuse. Brighton (GB).
Künstlerhaus Wien