Bettina Schülke


Recent Projects / Works


Icywaters. Mixed media on canvas. A´140 x 800 cm. 2013 Flow. Gouache on carton. 100 x 70 cm. 2013


distant peripheries

15.02.2025 - 15.03.2025

„Distant Peripheries“

Curated by: Andreas Schlichtner and Oleg Ustinov.

What does it mean if we invite artists from a distant place to present an artwork in another place out of reach? Is the physical presence of the artist necessary to let the artwork talk to us?

The exhibition “Distant Peripheries” explores these questions by connecting three artists from three distinct cultural and geographical contexts—Russia, the USA, and Austria. Through textile arts, the exhibition reflects on the spatial and relational dynamics of power, culture, and artistic production in a globalized world.

Featured Artists:

  • Lyubov Kulik (Russian Federation, Chechnya) – Embroidery.
  • Alan Neider (USA) – Tapestry.
  • Bettina Schülke (Austria) – Textile arts.

Key Themes and Concepts:

  • Center vs. Periphery: Exploring the interplay of cultural centers, peripheries and marginal spaces.
  • Spatial Aspects: Investigating the role of location in art and dialogue.
  • Relations of Power: Examining cultural and geopolitical hierarchies.
  • Connecting Worlds: Mariazell as both a center and a periphery, facilitating a dynamic intersection of global art and communication.
  • The Digital Revolution: How social media and mobility influence art exhibitions and art practices.
  • Horizontalized Networks: Rethinking traditional power dynamics in the art world.
  • Textile Arts: A medium rooted in tradition, yet dynamic and innovative.

“Distant Peripheries” invites you to experience the powerful interplay of cultures, ideas, and art forms. Through this exhibition, we aim to foster dialogues across borders, creating a space where the periphery becomes the center.

Artist Talk

06.02.2025 - ..

Präsentation ZUKUNFT JETZT? Mit Kunst und Kreativität in die Zukunft blicken.

Austrian Cultural Forum Bratislava (SK)

Bratislava, Österreichisches Kulturforum, Hodžovo nám. 1/A

Kurator: Art Collection Schlichtner

Beginn: 15:00 Uhr

Bettina Schülke wird ihre Lochkarten-Installation „YES or NO“ vorstellen. Ausgangsmaterial dieser Installation sind originale, historische Lochkarten eines Jacquard-Webstuhls aus dem frühen 19. Jahrhundert. Die Künstlerin arbeitet seit ihrer Dissertation an der Schnittstelle von Kunst, Wissenschaft […]

About me

Bettina Schülke is an Austrian artist working on the intersection of art, science and technology. She has exhibited widely, for example at the 2nd Thessaloniki Biennale, GR; De Winkelhaak Design Museum, Antwerp, BE; Kemi Art Museum; Lume Mediakeskus, Helsinki; Galeria Valo at the Arktikum Museum and Arctic Science Centre, Rovaniemi, FI; the MAK-nite (Austrian Museum of Applied Arts/Contemorary Art), Vienna, AT; and textile works at the Austrian Pavilion at the International Architecture Biennale in Venice, IT. Schülke has worked on international collaborative projects, participated in conferences, workshops, festivals, events and has recurrently been teaching in Finland and Austria. 2017 she completed her practice based doctoral research TRANSACTION as INTERACTION: Art as an Extended Sense of Space, at the University of Lapland, FI. The research is published by the Acta Universitatis Lapponiensis Press. Currently Schülke is pushing her research and artworks further by developing new series of her interdisciplinary artistic concept of TRANSACTION.

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